"Cultural Islands"

Discover the magic of the cultural islands on a 7-day cruise! Included: accommodation in stylish cabins, visits to historical sites, dinners with local culinary masterpieces and a chance to take a dip in the warm waters of the Andaman Sea.


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Day 1

Your adventure begins with an inspiring sailing from Phuket. Feel the peace of the water, have lunch while enjoying your first moments at sea, and get ready for a great adventure.

Day 2

Discover the gems of Koh Yao Yai Island as you explore the clear waters and secluded beaches. Transfer to Koh Phangan Island, lunch on board and a romantic evening promenade.

Day 3

Journey to the beaches of Koh Phangan Island and visit a jungle waterfall. End the day with an open-air dinner on Koh Tao Island.

Day 4

Morning swim in turquoise waters. Visit the magical sites on Ko Tao Island and transfer to Ko Phang Nga Island. Excursion around the majestic bays.

Day 5

Morning sailing, breakfast with stunning views of Koh Phang Nga. Tour of the bays and return to Phuket. Lunch on board and farewell to the sea.

Day 6

Morning yoga, tours of Koh Yao, immersion in Thai culture. Romantic dinner on the beach.

Day 7

Morning yoga, return to Phuket. Lunch, end of the cruise and farewell to the sea. Collect memories for new adventures.

8 день

Morning yoga, return to Phuket. Lunch, end of the cruise and farewell to the sea. Collect memories for new adventures.

9 день

Morning yoga, return to Phuket. Lunch, end of the cruise and farewell to the sea. Collect memories for new adventures.




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